It seemed like there was always too much language analysis to do. But I continued to work on further developing the Tharu literacy materials … until one significant day. On this day I was working at my desk when Jonathan came to show me a picture he had drawn. I looked at it and said, “Can you see I’m busy right now?” Immediately my heart was pierced and I knew something was badly out of relational focus. I wept before the Lord and apologized to Jon.
When I saw the picture above, that grandson Ethan drew for this blog, my heart wept again. I loved the elephant carpet, but the reminder of my failure then came back anew. How many times can you be sorry for the same thing done long ago? I recently heard the answer from one of our pastors: Jesus asked Peter only one question after his failure of denial: "Do you love me?" He didn't say "I told you so" or ask if he'd really repented or any other questions that would be reminders of his failure. He only wanted to know that his heart of love was still alive.
Bill and I later met with a mature couple who had raised 5 kids. They helped us see that my first responsibility was to my husband, then the children, then the work. We talked with our SIL director and he agreed. It was so hard for me to lay down the work I was doing, work I thought I was called to do. But I did it with all my heart and found not only more time, but more joy and contentment with my children and in all my relationships.
I had previously completed a Literacy Primer that I could still test in the village, but there was to be no more work on language analysis. It lay in Father's lap.
The kids were excited that mama finally had more time to spend with them and to be a mother who was actively present and involved in their daily lives. In the picture below you can see that I even let them play with our clothespins! Creative Jonathan had taught his village friends how to use them his way!
Here are some pics of me with both kids as babies! Matching colors for Jon and mom and matching dresses for Jenny and mom.
When I saw the picture above, that grandson Ethan drew for this blog, my heart wept again. I loved the elephant carpet, but the reminder of my failure then came back anew. How many times can you be sorry for the same thing done long ago? I recently heard the answer from one of our pastors: Jesus asked Peter only one question after his failure of denial: "Do you love me?" He didn't say "I told you so" or ask if he'd really repented or any other questions that would be reminders of his failure. He only wanted to know that his heart of love was still alive.
Bill and I later met with a mature couple who had raised 5 kids. They helped us see that my first responsibility was to my husband, then the children, then the work. We talked with our SIL director and he agreed. It was so hard for me to lay down the work I was doing, work I thought I was called to do. But I did it with all my heart and found not only more time, but more joy and contentment with my children and in all my relationships.
I had previously completed a Literacy Primer that I could still test in the village, but there was to be no more work on language analysis. It lay in Father's lap.
The kids were excited that mama finally had more time to spend with them and to be a mother who was actively present and involved in their daily lives. In the picture below you can see that I even let them play with our clothespins! Creative Jonathan had taught his village friends how to use them his way!
Here are some pics of me with both kids as babies! Matching colors for Jon and mom and matching dresses for Jenny and mom.