Don't miss "Does Jesus Love Me?" at the end of this blog posting!
Another very important thing happened during our last year in Mexico. We started seriously thinking about adopting more children. After the hysterectomy, we knew it wasn't possible for me to have another child, but we both wanted more children. In fact, we wanted LOTS of children. We wrote to Bill's parents and said "we're seriously considering adopting another child or 2 and we'd ask you to pray that we will clearly follow the mind and heart of the Lord in this, for us."
As the weeks progressed, we worked closely with Alvaro, our Mexican lawyer, for the adoption process in Mexico. We even went to the hospital in Cuernavaca to see and consider the children who were available. I wrote to Bill's parents, "We'd like a baby, up to 3-4 months old and preferably a boy. We hope we'll have a new grandchild for you when we see you in May! The kids are excited too." Alvaro worked with us, but it looked like it would be a long process to get all the paper work done.
Months later I wrote to Bill's parents, "We're still waiting for your grandchild. We've signed all the papers and are now awaiting the child of His choice for us." Then we went down and met with the people in charge, "but the only young one available was an 8 month old boy, and we had no peace about him (even though he was very cute). So we are at a stop and will not proceed further unless the Lord intervenes and works something else."
As the process dragged on, and we had paid the money up front to the lawyer, we waited for the papers to be processed and the baby "to be born." This went on for months and looked like it could take even years. Up until weeks before we left for the States we were hoping and waiting for approval on papers for a new baby, expecting to bring a new baby with us to the States.
As we continued to seek the Lord, He gave me a strange word, that "I would have many more children, but they wouldn't be my own." In ways I couldn't then imagine, this later happened (I ended up teaching, mothering, mentoring and loving so many children). And so we released to the Lord the adoption process and began to think about the future.
During this time, "I wondered if the Lord would have me put the time and energy into Bill and Jon and Jenny that would go into a baby. I feel quite at rest to accept whatever comes from Him through Bill." How could I not want to spend more time with these two amazing kids! Here are a few selected pics of warm memories in my heart.
I also found these old slides with the kids and my mom and then with Bill's parents. They were much loved kids--still are.
I just found the follow recorded conversation at the end of my Nepal journal: a recording of the heart one precious child. Jonathan was in bed when I overheard these questions and answers between him (just turned 4) and Daddy on May 28, 1974. I started writing it down as they spoke when I realized how important this was! Such great questions. Wish we had another chance to answer them.
Another very important thing happened during our last year in Mexico. We started seriously thinking about adopting more children. After the hysterectomy, we knew it wasn't possible for me to have another child, but we both wanted more children. In fact, we wanted LOTS of children. We wrote to Bill's parents and said "we're seriously considering adopting another child or 2 and we'd ask you to pray that we will clearly follow the mind and heart of the Lord in this, for us."
As the weeks progressed, we worked closely with Alvaro, our Mexican lawyer, for the adoption process in Mexico. We even went to the hospital in Cuernavaca to see and consider the children who were available. I wrote to Bill's parents, "We'd like a baby, up to 3-4 months old and preferably a boy. We hope we'll have a new grandchild for you when we see you in May! The kids are excited too." Alvaro worked with us, but it looked like it would be a long process to get all the paper work done.
Months later I wrote to Bill's parents, "We're still waiting for your grandchild. We've signed all the papers and are now awaiting the child of His choice for us." Then we went down and met with the people in charge, "but the only young one available was an 8 month old boy, and we had no peace about him (even though he was very cute). So we are at a stop and will not proceed further unless the Lord intervenes and works something else."
As the process dragged on, and we had paid the money up front to the lawyer, we waited for the papers to be processed and the baby "to be born." This went on for months and looked like it could take even years. Up until weeks before we left for the States we were hoping and waiting for approval on papers for a new baby, expecting to bring a new baby with us to the States.
As we continued to seek the Lord, He gave me a strange word, that "I would have many more children, but they wouldn't be my own." In ways I couldn't then imagine, this later happened (I ended up teaching, mothering, mentoring and loving so many children). And so we released to the Lord the adoption process and began to think about the future.
During this time, "I wondered if the Lord would have me put the time and energy into Bill and Jon and Jenny that would go into a baby. I feel quite at rest to accept whatever comes from Him through Bill." How could I not want to spend more time with these two amazing kids! Here are a few selected pics of warm memories in my heart.
I also found these old slides with the kids and my mom and then with Bill's parents. They were much loved kids--still are.
I just found the follow recorded conversation at the end of my Nepal journal: a recording of the heart one precious child. Jonathan was in bed when I overheard these questions and answers between him (just turned 4) and Daddy on May 28, 1974. I started writing it down as they spoke when I realized how important this was! Such great questions. Wish we had another chance to answer them.
J: Does Jesus love me?
D: Yes, Jesus loves you very much.
J: And God?
D: Yes, God too.
J: And heaven?
D: Well, heaven a place, not a person. Like Santa Barbara. God lives in heaven.
J: Santa Barbara where Grandma lives?
D: Yes
J: Does Jesus take care of Ian too? (J's friend)
D: Yes, He does.
J: How can he walk?
D: Well, you can't see God.
J: I know that! How does Jesus come into our heart?
D: We ask Him to come in.
J: Does He open our heart up?
D: Sort of.
J: Like a door?
D: Well...
J: Does He open our hearts and walk in?
D: Sort of.
J: When He goes in does He close the door and lock it....with a key?
D: Yes, Jon, you're right. Go to sleep now.
J: What does He do with the key? Does He throw the key away?
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