Monday, January 1, 2018

Photo Journal of Treasures Close to My Heart: Surrounded by a Great Company of Amazing People

Can Anyone Have Too Many Friends? I have been so blessed with MANY friends. You can never have too many friends! I know because if you are reading this, then you are one of them. The late 90's and early 2000s had many treasured friends, family, students and colleagues with whom we spent memorable times together.

The Company of Those Who Fear Your Name

Psalm 61:5: You have given me the heritage of those who fear your Name. Some of these include treasured friends who have walked with us over many years, shared heartaches and tears. During these years we had the privilege of visits with them. Here are some pictures of these treasures.

My friend and constant prayer warrior Catherine Eldridge. There are not words to express my gratitude to Him for how she has stood with me in prayer.

 Bill's first boss back in the US after our years abroad, Mary Fleming, who became an unexpected joy for the journey.

Good friend from my childhood on, Marilyn Petersen Kirshberger. She was one of the first people to talk deeply with me about Jesus and help me find my way to Him.

Students and Friends Who Became Family

One of the privileges faculty have is to travel and make literacy presentations in many parts of the country, and the world. I loved to take my students, both grad and undergrad, to conferences.

Here's one example of some undergrads and me at at children's literature conference in Columbus, Ohio: Clint, Julia, Diana and Sarah. They are all doing amazing things today....from being a principal to authoring a children's book, now published and ready for readers.

I was very partial to my PhD students because  I worked so closely with them through thick and thin. They came from so many nations. Those in the photo below represented the Jordan, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan and of course the US.

Also, I was also very partial to my Bible study gals. Each year after our partnership ended its term (and they were no longer my students), I invited them to come to our home the next year for a Bible study. How we enjoyed great discussions during our times together to learn what it means to be a follower for Jesus and a woman of God today.


I have to include another photo of Laura and me here too, though she left this earth too early because of liver cancer. She is still much missed.

Then there are the students I taught in elementary school, many of whom read this blog! Besides the joy of teaching my own nephews, David and Daniel Hazelton, for several years, I had the joy of teaching Emily (Sallee) Owen from first through third grade. She now has many children of her own and continues to be a joy. She loves to write and has written many books and letters. She now writes letters on hearts.

Plus there are long time friends and next door neighbors Steve and Joan Safran. We spent many happy hours playing games like Dictionary, sharing holidays, food, and Bear, plus long, delicious discussions over meals.

Treasured Places

A place can be a treasure as well. I'm going to mention three now briefly, though they deserve more space than this.

Nancy and I took a visit to my roots, growing up in the mid-Illinois farmland, as well as Chicago. My sister and I made a memorable trip to our remaining relatives there, Ken and Leota Huff .
We also found the tombstones for my grandma and grandpa there in Somonauk. You might remember my grandpa died when my mom was three, and my grandma died when I was three -- right before my sister was born. My grandpa was a Lincoln and descendant from Abraham Lincoln's uncle.

My grandma opened a boarding house during WWI after my grandpa died. It was right on this corner, in this building, in Somonauk, Illinois.

My Aunt Catherine also had a shop in Somonauk. She would let Nancy and me come and pick pretty things out to take home.

The most beautiful and memorable place on earth for me is Israel. I could write a book about this, but here are just a couple photos. The one of Bill and me is in Capernaum and the second with Dow and Lois above the city of Jerusalem. I was deeply aware of the Presence of the Living God everywhere I went in this country. I'd go back here in a heartbeat if I had the chance.

Another treasured place....I will never forget our home on the ridge overlooking miles and miles of southeast Ohio. Our deck saw it all ... the deer, the snow, the wild and amazing beauty.


Much Loved Family

A visit from my sister is always special. Here Jenny is with cousin Anna, and below, I'm on our deck with Nancy, my favorite little sister ("fls" in our correspondence!) and of course our favorite dog Bear. Notice how he sneaks into so many photos.

We often hosted Bill's Dad, all the way from California.


When Bill's father turned 90, we had a birthday bash in California that included lots of his family (some that we had never met), lots of people from his church, and lots of people from the assisted living place where he lived. It was a grand celebration. Jonathan came with us; Jenny was out of the country.

We enjoyed times with Bill's sister Mary Ellen and her husband Al. Al has gone ahead of us to be with the Lord, as has Bill's dad.

So here's the last collection of family pics from this time period. I'll let you figure out who's who. The only clue is that the first one below has two daughters with us: Jenny and Stephanie. The one of Jonathan in grad garb is one of his 3 OU graduations. Enjoy!


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