Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Dark, Dark House, Mom’s Teeth Get Knocked Out, Rita’s Suicide and We Move Again

We had very little money and no car. Plus mom didn’t know how to drive. But she did have a job working as a nurse at the same place as my Aunt. Since my cousins, Richard and Ronnie, wanted their bedroom back, my mom found a bedroom for us in the house of a lady named Rita. The house seemed dark. Lots of people came and went. Nancy and I stayed in the little bedroom at the back of the house. This is the only house I’m not sure of the floor plan. Just darkness. 

I remember going to school once and being placed in a reading group. The teacher flashed word cards at us and I didn't know them. I guess I'm kinda glad I didn't go to school much during first grade. At least I don't remember other times.

BUT I do remember that my mom came home one night with a man who had been drinking.  Apparently she refused his advances. He was so mad that he socked her mouth and knocked out most of her teeth. While she was in the hospital recovering, Rita “watched” us.  But really?  She was rarely around. The truth was we watched her eight year old son eat a jar of peanut butter every day while she was out. I think we were jealous that he could eat whatever he wanted. ANYWAY, after Mom got better and went back to work, she and Rita didn’t get along too well.  Later, a number of years after we moved, we heard that Rita had committed suicide.


So somewhere in first grade we moved again. This time my mom rented a small one bedroom bungalow on Elk Street in Glendale, California. Here’s my diagram of the floor plan of this little house. It had a very small closet next to the back door that my mom let Nancy and I turn into our play room. It had shelves in it. I think my mom kept some kitchen stuff on top shelves too, and clothes were in there too. But all our dolls and toys lived there. Except for Dumbo. Aunt Hazel gave me a stuffed elephant named Dumbo. He had huge, soft ears. I slept with him for years. I wish I still had him. (My husband says I got him instead. I think I got the better deal!)

During these years, Uncle Bert and Aunt Hazel were strong supporters of us. We always celebrated holidays together plus went swimming in their pool during the summer. Christmas was always special as they had a white Christmas tree with a light shining on it that kept changing colors. On Christmas Eve we slept there. The little kids always went out to look for Santa Claus. Of course, when we got back, he had already been there and our presents were waiting. My Aunt always read the Christmas story and we sang some Christmas songs together as a family before opening many wonderful, surprising presents. Soft, quiet, memories here. 

This pic of Aunt Hazel and Uncle Bert is from around the time we went to live with them.

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